Apprenticeship as a biology laboratory technician

The university has been successfully training young people to become biology laboratory technicians for many years. The apprenticeship lasts 3.5 years, but can also be completed after 3 years with appropriate previous knowledge.

Most of the training takes place in the Institute of Animal Science, where the basic training sections of molecular biology, microbiology and protein biochemistry and immunological detection methods are completed. Our trainees are usually in the respective laboratories for 3 – 6 months before they change departments.

The handling of laboratory animals is also taught and the training at the university offers further diverse insights, for example into work in biotechnological laboratories or into forensic medicine. The employees involve the trainees in the daily work processes, which always results in good support and a great team spirit. Depending on ongoing research projects, trainees can, for example, take samples in agricultural or food-producing companies and accompany anatomical exercises for students.

© Katharina Kustwan
Labor Miri
© Katharina Kustwan

The imparting of practical knowledge is supplemented by cross-year teaching in English and arithmetic. There is also a wide range of seminars offered by the university, which allow the trainees to further expand their social and professional skills.

For the school part of the apprenticeship, the trainees take part in 1-2 days of vocational school lessons per week, which take place at the Kartäuserwall vocational college in Cologne.

Apprentices who complete their vocational training with good results are currently entitled to continued employment for a limited period of 1 year after their training period.


Katharina Kustwan


Katzenburgweg 7-9

53115 Bonn

Further Information

If you are interested in the appreticeship as a biology laboratory technician, the following websites could be of interest.

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© IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

Hier haben Sie Zugriff auf eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Berufsbildes, die Ausbildungsverordnung und den Ausbildungsplan sowie mögliche AnsprechpartnerInnen der IHK


Rahmenlehrplan für den Berufsschulunterricht

Den Bildungsplan für den Beruf der Biologielaborant*in finden Sie auf den Seiten des Ministeriums für Schule und Bildeung des Landes NRW.


Berufskolleg Kartäuserwall

Das Bildungsgangangebot des BK Kartäuserwall umfasst neben der beruflichen Grundbildung die duale und vollzeitschulische Berufsausbildung in den drei Bildungsbereichen Medien, Gesundheit und Naturwissenschaften.

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